Medical Physics Education

Know about Medical Physics Education in Ghana

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 What is Medical Physics?

Medical Physics is the application of physics to healthcare; using physics for patient imaging, measurement and treatment.

Education in Medical Physics in Ghana

In response to the need of adequately trained medical physicist in the health delivery system of Ghana and Africa at large, the M.Phil Medical Physics programme was established in 2004. The programme was initially hosted by the School of Allied Health Science (SAHS), University of Ghana. In 2006, with support from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) in collaboration with University of Ghana (UG) established the Graduate School of Nuclear and Allied Sciences (SNAS) to promote Post Graduate university education and training for preservation and enhancement of nuclear knowledge in Ghana and Africa. A department of Medical Physics was created and the programme was moved from the SAHS to SNAS. In 2008, PhD in Medical Physic was also introduced and currently has a duration of four (4) years. Over the years, the Medical Physics programme has grown from initially admitting local students to admitting foreign students from across Africa. Governments and the IAEA have also sent students from across Africa to be trained in the programme.

| Traineeships

The MPhil programme includes two (2) semesters of didactic academic work followed by one (1) year of research and clinical training. Academic courses pursued in the first year include: Radiation Physics, Research Methodology, Radiobiology, Anatomy and Physiology, Professional and Medical Ethics, Nuclear Medicine, Radiation Dosimetry, Physics of Radiation Oncology, Physics of Imaging and Diagnostic Radiology. The two year training is followed by a one (1) year clinical internship for local graduates. The internship comprises 6 months radiotherapy, 3 months diagnostic radiology and 3 months nuclear medicine. This arrangement ensures that clinically qualified medical physicists receive minimum of two years clinical training. After internship, interns are certified to practice only after passing an examination of the Allied Health Professions Council. The PhD programme compromises of one (1) taught course and three (3) years of research work.

The training programme is accredited by the National Accreditation Board (NAB) in of Ghana. Assessment by NAB is carried out periodically at a frequency of once in every three years, using the services of international experts and consultants to ensure neutrality. Recommendations provided are scrupulously applied to ensure that international standards are upheld in the programme. Graduates of the Medical Physics programme have over the years benefitted from further training in the form of IAEA short courses and fellowships, ICTP – College of Medical Physics, ICTP – short courses and workshops and ESTRO training. This has further increased capacity and abilities in the field.

Applying for Allied Health Professions Council Certification Exam Session
