John Boham Noonoo is a certified medical physicist with extensive experience in nuclear medicine and diagnostic medical physics. He developed his clinical skills at the University of Ghana Medical Center (UGMC), focusing on diagnostics. Additionally, he gained expertise in nuclear medicine while serving as a Medical Physicist/Radiation Protection Officer at the Caasi Medical and Diagnostics Center in Airport, Accra. In this role, John was tasked with overseeing radiation protection and implementing quality control and assurance programs. He played a key role in the acceptance testing of the SPECT machine and conducted shielding calculations as part of the facility’s NRA accreditation process.
John holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics, specializing in Biomedical Physics, from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Kumasi, and he obtained a Master of Philosophy in Medical Physics from the School of Nuclear and Allied Sciences at the University of Ghana. Currently, he serves as a Medical Physicist in the Radiology department at the University of Ghana Medical Center.